
Maelstrom levequests
Maelstrom levequests

maelstrom levequests

They will advise you to purchase a Chocobo Issuance Ticket to obtain your Chocobo. • Gridania – Grand Serpent Marshal Swethryk Brookstone of The Order of the Twin Adder – East of Aetheryte Plaza (Adders’ Nest) •Ul’dah – Grand Flame Marshal Eline Roaille of The Immortal Flames – East of Ul’dah Aetheryte Plaza (Hall of Flames) •Limsa Lominsa – Grand Storm Marshal Eynzahr Slafyrsyn of The Maelstrom – East of The Aftcastle, accessible through Aethernet (Maelstrom Command) -Your little Chocobo and You: FATE's, and Guild Leves!- Your Grand Company Commander will initiate a quest called "My Little Chocobo!" In order to finish this quest you will be asked to talk to your Chocobo Stables Master in that corresponding city. You will need to introduce yourself to the Grand Marshal of your chosen Grand Company. *Choose wisely, as you will be with them for some time! Now that you have chosen the Grand Company you like, travel back to that city. •Ul'Dah for Thaumeturgists, Marauders and Pugilists. •Limsa Lominsa for Arcanists and Gladiators. •Gridania for Conjurers, Archers and Lancers. Each Grand Company rewards you with items best suited to the classes that start at their locations. *BEWARE!* Please choose wisely as each Grand Company, although very similar, are very different in quests, and quest given rewards. Talk to the representative for the City you choose to work for. They will be right next to Minfilia's desk. The three delegates of Gridania, Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah can be found on the right side of the room as you enter. * Don't worry, you can change which Grand Company you work for freely. You must accept a Grand Company to work for. At the conclusion you travel back to Vesper Bay and after a brief outroduction by Minfilia. In Vesper Bay, Minfilia asks that you travel to each of the three major city-states and listen to their rallies. onto the fun!) -Getting your Chocobo Mount- At long last, you have become level twenty, and have been courted by three delegates from Twin Adder of Gridania, The Immortal Flames of Ul'dah and last but not least Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa and you've been asked to join a Grand Company, a quest given to you through the main storyline.

#Maelstrom levequests how to#

Any additional information is gladly excepted! You may contact me at Please be sure to give me credit where the credit is due if you decide to use any information as I logged 10+ hours to obtain much of this information by first hand experience, now go have FUN! (There may be spoilers, but it's to further your understanding on when and how to obtain your Chocobo. The basic essentials for riding and fighting with your Chocobo! Please remember that this is copy written, but, is available as a "free to use" reference and guide.

Maelstrom levequests